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NO MAN’S SKY Impresses Stephen Colbert, Still No Release Date

2015 is almost over, and we have yet to receive a release date for the highly anticipated space exploration title, No Man’s Sky. An appearance on The Late Show by Sean Murray (director of said game) seemed like an excellent time to make the grand announcement of the launch date. Alas, we still have no idea when it’s coming. That’s not to say the segment was uneventful; Stephen Colbert seemed to be incredibly impressed by the sheer ambition of the project. Of course, jokes were sprinkled in throughout the talk.

Do yourself the favor of watching the video above.

We’ve known this game is huge, but just to put the size into perspective, Sean stated the universe created includes 18 quintillion planets. Let that sink in. That basically makes it impossible for everything to be found. It’s also possible to run into other players, but the massiveness of the universe makes it unlikely to happen. According to Sean, they use the “computer” to generate everything using math. With this sort of creation power at their hands, it led Stephen to jokingly say, “I thought Morgan Freeman was God.”

The demo also showed a fair amount of gameplay, more specifically the exploration aspect of it. Watching several life-forms being named after Colbert is pretty hilarious. As great as the demonstration was, I’m still a bit worried about the minute-to-minute action, but it does look incredibly gorgeous and is obviously intriguing. Everything is pointing to this being a special game, so let’s hope it surpasses the deafening hype surrounding it.

What did you think about the short demo? Did anything particular stick out to you? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: The Late Show

Image Credit: Hello Games

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