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Nintendo’s MIITOMO App to Launch in March on iOS & Android

Nintendo will start allowing you to pre-register for access to their upcoming Miitomo app on February 17.

The Big N’s first app–the Mii based social hub–will be launching mid-March for both iOS and Android, as explained by new president Tatsumi Kimishima in a Japanese investors briefing. You’ll also be able to create a Nintendo Account (a new registration system in the same vein as PSN and Xbox Live) that is tied to an already existing Nintendo Network ID, social network, or an email address.


This new unifying account will also house the Club Nintendo successor, My Nintendo. By pre-registering for Miitomo, users will earn a Platinum point which can then be used to nab things such as wallpapers and other in-game goodies.

There will be ample opportunity to earn more Platinum points at a later time by logging into Nintendo apps like the eShop. While a second currency, Gold points, will be awarded for making purchases on the eShop. These points can then be used to get discounts on software.

Miitomo and My Nintendo are a result of Nintendo’s partnership with DeNA, which is already proving to be quite fruitful. Many, including myself, have been asking for a gamertag that unites all of our Nintendo accounts together and this new Nintendo Account seems to be a step in the right direction. That said, the house of Mario definitely has a leg up on its competition since Sony and Microsoft don’t have a rewards program.

Will you guys be pre-registering? Are you excited that Nintendo is finally delving into the non-dedicated handheld mobile space? Are you excited about Miitomo? What do you think will be their next app? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Eurogamer 

Image: Nintendo

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