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It’s nearly Halloween, and we’re seeing everything through Nerdoween goggles. This showstopping The Nightmare Before Christmas carousel pie doesn’t need special glasses though. It practically screams Halloween.

We learned about this Jack Skellington-centric creation via Laughing Squid, and we’re once again reminded of the culinary talents of YouTuber Pies Are Awesome. The channel–which boasts a new “pie-oneering” video each week–is full of all manner of pop culture-inspired fandom baked directly into incredible (and edible) creations.

A few weeks back we shared the Calvin & Hobbes pie-scraper and were baffled by the level of detail on the finished product. This time around we’re even more gobsmacked by the intricacies in bringing The Nightmare Before Christmas to life. Or…un-dead? Were the characters dead? Are societies consisting of the physical embodiment of a holiday alive? They feared injury at times, right? Never mind. This isn’t the place for that discussion when there’s such ins-PIE-ring things being baked.

The time, effort, and care put into each piece to build this character-covered carousel is a thing of beauty. Pieces of crust are meticulously cut, molded, and carved into to create a truly awesome level of detail. You can spot Oogie Boogie, Lock, Shock, and Barrel, and even Zero. We only wish the Lazy Susan it was built on was somehow motorized to turn on its own so we could get the full effect of a Jack Skellington carnival ride.

What’s your favorite video from Pies are Awesome? Know of any other desserts designed around The Nightmare Before Christmas? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: Pies Are Awesome

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