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Nicolas Cage is Now a Japanese Snack Food

What story could we possibly bring you about Nicolas Cage that you wouldn’t believe? After all, this is a man who once had to return a stolen Tyrannosaurus skull to Mongolia (that’s known as a “Reverse National Treasure“), and no one was surprised by any part of it. That’s why when we say he has now been turned into a Japanese snack food, we have to stress that we only mean that his face has been put on the packaging. Honestly, with Nic Cage, anything is possible.

The new Cagey treat, which we came across at Kotaku, is part of the Japanese promotion for Cage’s film Army of One. The marketing team plastered his face on the popular snack Umaibou, a puffed corn stick, resulting in the limited-time-offer of the “Deluxe Umaibou Nicolastick” for those who buy a ticket to the movie.

So what does a Nic Cage-inspired snack taste like? As it turns out, corn potage–a thick corn soup. (Sure, why not?) If I were to read tomorrow that Nic Cage keeps corn soup in his pockets at all times, I’d believe that, so I’m not surprised by this flavor. Then again, no flavor would surprise me considering the endless array of flavors with which this man adorns his everyday life.

We’re sure at some point he’ll find snack form in every country in the world. Perhaps even Mongolia, if they’ve forgiven him by then for the T-rex skull debacle.

Would you eat the Nicolastick? We’re hungry to hear why from you in our comments below.

Featured Image: TWC-Dimension

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