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Next Week’s THE FLASH and ARROW Are All Kinds of Angsty

For completely different reasons, both of the CW’s DC Comics programs are going to be full of trials AS WELL AS tribulations. On The Flash, Barry’s figured out the identity of his mother’s killer, the mysterious yellow speedster known as The Reverse Flash, and it’s someone he knows really well (or thinks he does). And on Arrow, there’s nothing major, just a little matter of Ra’s al Ghul framing the Arrow for a bunch of murders in order to turn Starling City against Oliver Queen and henceforth have him accept the generous offer to lead the League of Assassins as the new Ra’s al Ghul. Angst and perturbation left and right.

After taking a week off, both programs will return next week, on Tuesday April 14th and Wednesday April 15th, respectively, and the CW has released a couple of videos to help us get excited as the seasons begin to wind down.

The Flash video gives us an inside look at Episode 18, “All-Star Team Up,” which sees Felicity Smoak return to Central City yet again (like she doesn’t have anything going on in Starling, sheesh) along with Ray Palmer to get some help from Star Labs with his Atom suit. Not a great time for it, though, and Barry is frazzled about a great many things. Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg gives us the rundown.

Felcity’s right; Central City IS supposed to be the fun one.

Over in the Arrow neck of the woods, a teaser called “Sacrifice” shows what kind of downtrodden stuff we can expect for the last five weeks. I mean, it’s not ALL sad stuff; looks like things heat up again (AGAIN, damn you!) between Olicity and Ray’s always upbeat (although he probably won’t be when he finds out about the other thing). Overall, though, looooooots of stuff to worry about.

Man oh Manischewitz, that is, how you say, nutter butters and bananagrams. Between these two shows, there’s nothing but turmoil, but that’s kind of why we love them. Can you imagine if it was all smiles and easiness? Who’d watch that?

Would you watch that? What are you most excited for in these two shows? Let us know in the comments below!

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