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New X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Images Reveal Quicksilver

As the excitement about this May’s X-Men: Days of Future Past grows evermore steadily until its Memorial Day Weekend release, a few new pictures have popped up of the mutants-throughout-time extravaganza. One picture gives us the first glimpse of Evan Peters assaying the role of Quicksilver, the very aptly-named mutant who can run fast and has hair the color of Sterling.

The pictures show Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in some kind of Cirque du Soleil tumbling routine with Nicholas Hoult’s Beast (courtesy of Entertainment Weekly), Omar Sy’s Bishop cradling a pretty sweet-looking Tron rifle, Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique putting the moves on a military guy whilst other mutants look on, and Wolverine, Quicksilver, Michael Fassbender’s Magneto, and James McAvoy’s greasy, used car-salesman Professor X stare in wonderment at why that room is so dusty.

Surely all of what these pictures mean will make sense in time, but time is indeed the very crux of the argument as the beclawed Canucklehead travels back to the past to save the future. This will be the X-Men movie to rule them all upon its release on May 24th.

Let us know what you think of the pictures below. Are you as excited about this movie as we are? Might be hard to be this excited, but it’s certainly doable. Is there an X-Person we haven’t seen in film format yet that should make an appearance in Age of Apocalypse? These are all good topics to discuss in the downward direction.

HT: Comic Book Resources

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  1. Jeremy says:

    Nick, the next X-Men film is AOA. It’s already been announced. And I agree, it’s also one of my favorite arcs of all time. Here’s hoping they do it justice. =)

  2. morgan williams says:

    Just another wolverine and a bunch of meat shields movie 🙁

  3. M Ingram says:

    I don’t see how they can fit all of the story into one film

  4. frank says:

    From what I’ve seen so far it looks underwhelming. ..these pictures don’t help much either. I hope I’m wrong

  5. Nick says:

    Second question in last paragraph – Do you mean Days of Future Past?

    Although I’d LOVE to see the next film be AOA… Probably by favorite X-men arc of ALL TIME!

  6. Adam says:

    I still don’t get why Fox & Marvel can’t all just get along and cast the same Quicksilver…and both talented guys from Kick-@$$ nonetheless, which is cool, but….seriously you guys? let money be money and keep the fans’ ideals of consistency at the top of your register????

  7. morgan williams says:

    They’ve butchered dark phoenix saga already, please dont let this choke as well

  8. Cliff says:

    Why is Xavier walking??