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New TRANSPORTER Films Are Coming… With a New Star

When last we heard news on The Transporter franchise, the television adaptation starring Chris Vance had been picked up by TNT for distribution in the United States. But when it came to the uber-awesome film series starring Jason Statham, little’s been spoken on any future entries, which isn’t surprising given the age of both the franchise and its lead. But as of today, things are starting to heat up for the suit wearing action-hero, Frank Martin.

At this year’s Berlinale, Luc Besson-run EuroCorop announced plans to produce a new installment of the series. But before you get your hopes up for more Statham awesomeness, you should know a few things:

1) The latest entry, currently titled Transporter 4, is going to be a prequel that, if successful, will spawn two more installments, thus creating an origin story trilogy for Frank Martin.

2) Jason Statham will not be returning, and Frank Martin will now be played by Games of Thrones’ Ed Skrein.

So we’re getting a new Transporter film. YAY! But it’s a Stathamless prequel. Now, that news isn’t horrible. The question of whether or not Frank Martin needs an origin story aside, there’s potential in watching a younger actor take on the role of Frank. Statham is, of course, a hefty pair of shoes to fill, but considering Chris Vance seems to be holding his own fairly well in the currently running series, why not let someone else take on the role of Frank for the big screen?

Speaking of the series, there’s currently no word if the show is in any way connected to the new set of films, but considering movie-making’s recent push for transmedia franchises thanks to Marvel, the possibility is certainly there. Now that is something that would make this idea really interesting.

HT: The Hollywood Reporter

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  1. Phil says:

    Man, prequels are the new annoying bastard child of Hollywood. Why do you want to set a film series in the 90s? Why not just continue the series without Jason Statham if need be? I think Statham is great in the series, but let’s be honest, Frank Martin is not that compelling of a character. You could easily move on without him.

  2. Jason says:

    No more Transporter films, the first two were pretty good but number three was just stupid.

  3. Coleman says:

    To quote Patton Oswalt “I don’t give a shit where the things I love come from.” Origin story of Frank Martin is completely unnecessary.

  4. Eric says:

    No Jason, no movie… NEED MORE JASON STATHAM!

    Alternatively, Chris Hardwick can play Frank Martin.