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New “The Hobbit” Production Video #4

Here’s a new bit of awesome for all you Tolkienites out there. This one is all about how Peter Jackson is shooting the two Hobbit films in 3D, which I’m not super stoked about, but if anyone can do the story justice in the format, it’ll be Jackson.

-Kanderson wants to live in Middle Earth but with TWITTER as well.

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  1. Sylvia says:

    Whatever with the 3D, Alan Lee and John Howe are ADORABLE.

  2. Lucy says:

    I actually can’t see 3D movies but I’ll be damned if that’s going to stop me from seeing this. Thanks for posting these!

  3. Abbey says:

    Can not wait for this! 3d doesn’t bug me unless it gets really cheesy. Like when I saw “Up” in 3d it just had some depth to it so it was really nice.

    So excited!!

  4. Sarah says:

    SUPER EXCITED about The Hobbit! Haven’t loved much of the 3D that has been done, with the exception of Coraline, but interested to see how Peter Jackson works with the medium.

    Also, I could listen to New Zealand accents for HOURS! So adorable.