Fans of mythical monsters and aquatic mapping take note: someone discovered a new hidden trench at the bottom of Loch Ness! Retired fisherman and current tour boat operator Keith Stewart discovered the previously unseen crevice after running a state-of-the-art 3-D scan and noticing a “mysterious, long object with a hump†which later disappeared. But in searching for that hump again, Keith found the trench — which, if confirmed, will be the new deepest known point of Scotland’s second-deepest lake. Could this super-deep crevice be the home of one of
Could this super-deep crevice be the home of one of history’s most elusive creatures? Does Nessie have secret deep-crevice slumber parties with Bigfoot and the Jersey Devil? Should we just leave her alone? Or is something fishy going on (pun intended)? Do you think a tour guide operator has ulterior motives for finding the perfect secret hiding place for a gigantic underwater sea creature? Let’s let our resident believer and non-believer duke it out to decide!
Join Jessica “Ghosts Are Real” Chobot as she tries to keep the Nessie myth alive while discussing the new discovery with resident-skeptic, science expert, and host of Because Science Kyle “Ghosts Don’t Exist” Hill, on today’s Nerdist News WTFridays.
Thanks for watching today’s show! If you’re interested in hearing Jessica Chobot talk about more myths, legends, ghosts, and monsters on a regular basis, make sure you listen to the Bizarre States podcast she hosts with Andrew Bowser.
Let us know in the comments if you’re excited about the new discovery and if you think we’ll ever find the Loch Ness monster.