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New STAR WARS Cornhole Game Sets

Star Wars recently released their awesome new video game, Star Wars: Battlefront, but what about those of us who are gamer-challenged? Surely there must be something non-electronic out there for Star Wars fans who love games. Never fear: Victory Tailgate is here to satisfy your hand-eye coordination game playing needs!

These new officially licensed Star Wars cornhole game sets are regulation-sized and ready to play right out of the box, no assembly required. The boards are ACA regulation size 24-inches by 48-inches and made of tournament grade construction should you need such specs when you play in an intergalactic tournament. Watch out for Team Jawa, they can’t be trusted.

The set comes with two boards with folding legs and a pack with 8 bags. The best part is each board features custom Star Wars artwork that makes gameplay even more enjoyable. The wide range of artwork depicts Hoth, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Yoda and more. The real standout is Han Solo in carbonite. Play with your eyes closed and pretend you have hibernation sickness.

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Victory Tailgate even offers up custom throwing bags with images of Team Solo and Chewie, the droids you’re looking for, and more. With so many Star Wars options, you’ll be light speeding to play a fun game of cornhole in no time. Now it’s even easier to play because the weekend that Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens, Victory Tailgate is celebrating by offering 20% off of the boards. My advice? Let the Wookiee win.

Check out the photos in the gallery and see even more Star Wars cornhole sets on the official Victory Tailgate website.

Will you be picking up one of these Star Wars cornhole sets? Let us know in the comments!


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