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New STAR TREK Mega Bloks Boldly Go Where No LEGO Has Gone Before


The new Enterprise shown above isn’t actually LEGO, but Benny the enthusiastic 1980-something spaceman would nonetheless have no trouble building one, as Mattel’s Mega Bloks are totally compatible with LEGOs. When last we saw a constructible Enterprise in a form like this, it was the J.J. Abrams version, made of Hasbro’s proprietary brand Kre-O; with Kre-O now either dead or at least hibernating, the classic Star Trek license has gone to Mattel’s hefty brick brand.


Unlike some of its competitors, Mega Bloks focuses heavily on its minifigs, which are like fully articulated action figures (look, your Kirk figure has to be able make every single Shatner arm gesture, or you fail). While many block characters out there feature “stylized likeness” to avoid any issues with actors, these quite clearly have the rights to look like the classic TV series cast. Now, whether they’ve made nice with Harlan Ellison to keep him from reminding everyone that he wrote “The City on the Edge of Forever” and therefore deserves royalties from the above set, we’ll have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, theeeeeere’s…Klingons in the engine room, engine room, engine room. There’s Klingons in the engine room, engine room, Scotty.


The highlight of the line, though, has to be what looks like the best original bridge play set since the Mego days. Even people who have never touched a Mega Blok in their life are likely to snap this one up, and snap it together. Dammit, Jim, you don’t have to be a bricklayer to put these together. Just keep an eye on that little George Takei, or he’ll go around making memes of all your other toys while you’re not looking.


Will picking up that set, or a few of them, be a…Prime Directive? Telling us in comments below would be logical.

images: Mega Bloks/Mattel via




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