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New Screens From The Game That Let’s You Air Surf On Cars, JUST CAUSE 3

Open-world games are becoming to this generation what first-person shooters were to the previous gen. But before blurting out a certain “O” word and digging deeply into an imminent multilayered conversation (one that I’m sure we’ll be having on Nerdist: Play at sometime soon), I decided to shed more light on an open-world game that has worked wonders in differentiating itself from the pack.

If you’ve been paying close attention past all of the big gaming stories that have dropped over the last two months, then you’re probably already aware of the fact that Just Cause 3 was announced by Square Enix for the PS4, Xbox One and PC. That means we’ll be able to do everything from sky dive out of sports cars being transported via air cargo, to attaching enemy vehicles to ascending fighter jets– all as soon as next year. The latest screens for the game look exceptionally gorgeous, and you can see them yourself right below:

Just Cause 2 was the epitome of a sleeper: an excellent game that flew way farther under the radar than it should have. It sucks that the game wasn’t able to get the sufficient amount of acclaim that it deserved, but I do see there being one positive aspect to Just Cause 2 remaining low key – it has given Avalanche Studios plenty of time to work on the next installment, mainly because a majority of people aren’t barking with anticipation for it. With the increased ability to share gaming experiences using resources like Twitch and the PS4’s share button, I predict that Just Cause 3 will be a mainstream success once it finally make it’s way on to consoles in 2015.

Did you already know about the Just Cause series? Are you excited to see what the hell I am talking about? Zip line down to the comments and leave your thoughts down below.

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  1. TimParker says:

    Great post, excited about this. My bummer annoying but compulsively necessary on my end comment – towards the end of the post – “it’s” should be “its” for the possessive rather than “it is”

  2. zach hatch says:

    i’m just hoping this time around they will have online instead of me having to download a mod