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New POWER RANGERS Trailer Shows Off Zordon and Alpha 5

The Power Rangers brand has been strong for several decades, but when we say “Power Rangers,” we’re all thinking of the Mighty Morphin variety, from the original 1993 TV show. That’s the era the upcoming Power Rangers movie is rebooting, and a just-released trailer for the movie shows that it looks like the film will stay true to the show in some ways and modernize it in others.

The plot is as you’d expect: A fivesome of outcast high schoolers coincidentally come together and realize that, after finding mysterious coins, their bodies begin to change (not in the health class kind of way) because they’re turning into insanely strong superheroes. They meet Zordon (played by Bryan Cranston), who looks like Trent Reznor in the Nine Inch Nails music video for “Only”, and informs them that they are the Power Rangers. From there, they must team up to stop Rite Repulsa’s attempt to take over the world.

Our first impression of the trailer? A pair of YouTube commenters summed it up well:

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We probably wouldn’t go as far as “sh*t,” “fake *ss,” or “cringe fest,” but these two drive the point home well: We loved Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as kids, yes, but part of the reason is because it was often so loveably corny (or “cringe,” as today’s youth would put it). I mean, this passed as fight choreography:

And sometimes, it was just weird:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was an absolutely silly show, so a modern, big-budget remake has to stay true to that at least a little, and it feels to us like the trailer has both enough cheese and grit to make for a serviceable remake.

What do you think of the trailer? Are you as excited to see Bill Hader play Alpha 5 as we are? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Featured Image: Lionsgate

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