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New GHOSTBUSTERS Trailer Gets a Recut Using the Old Theme

It was just yesterday that we brought you the first full trailer for the new female-led Ghostbusters movie, which means—at one day later—we are already way overdue for a fan re-cut. Fortunately, the internet finally pulled itself together and gave us a new look; One that uses the old, classic version of the theme song made by the living legend himself, Ray Parker Jr.

This version is much shorter than the official one for Paul Feig‘s new movie, which is only a bummer in that it’s less time to actually listen to the song.

Make no mistake though, the new Ghostbusters—with Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy, and Kate McKinnon—isn’t abandoning what is unquestionably one of the most well-known and iconic theme songs in cinematic history, it’s just that it was used in a much different style in the trailer. At first it was played as a mood-setting, slow piano, with the latter half of the trailer using a slicker variation more in line with Parker’s original.

The Ghostbusters are back in our lives and I’m writing about different versions of the theme song. Things are okay, you know? Plus, this offers us the perfect excuse to once again share one of the greatest Key and Peele sketches of all-time.

We are sure this won’t be the last re-cut of this trailer (don’t let us down denizens of the web), but we’re going to have to insist on making sure Ray Parker Jr’s magnum opus is prominently involved in all of them

What was your reaction to yesterday’s trailer? Would it have worked better with the classic theme? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Image: Columbia Pictures

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