Say what you want about Capcom and their fan proclaimed anti-consumer business practices, but their biggest mistake– in my opinion– will always be their apparent abandonment of the Mega Man franchise. Why there hasn’t been a true follow up to the series since the year 2010 is totally beyond me, and the fact that Mega Man series creator Keiji Inafune has moved on to start a near identical Kickstarter project is a surefire eyebrow raiser.
Speaking of the Kickstar sensation known as Mighty No. 9, a new video surfaced today displaying the most polished build of the game that we’ve seen to date. Maybe there’s a glimmer of light at the end of the robotic enemy-ridden tunnel after all.
Does Mighty No. 9 look like it will fill that void our old pal Rockman left behind? Blast your thoughts into the comments section below.
HT: Polygon
The game looks fun, but I can’t get over the music. Sounds like the Battle Network game that came out on the GameCube. Not a huge fan of that, but maybe we’ll get some better songs.
Capcom has really boggled my mind lately with their poor decision making. I don’t understand why they take good franchises and ruin them or abandon them.