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New CIVIL WAR II Teaser Pits Star-Lord Against Rocket Raccoon

Marvel‘s next big comic book crossover event is Civil War II, a new story by Brian Michael Bendis and artist David Marquez that will once again divide the superheroes of the Marvel Universe along ideological lines. But this time, the Guardians of the Galaxy aren’t sitting out of the battle—and we’ve got a brand new teaser image to prove it.

The image for Civil War II (by artist Phil Noto), features the Guardians of the Galaxy’s Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon going head-to-head, which strongly suggests that they will play a larger role in the story than previously suspected.

Civil War II Guardians of the Galaxy

From what we know about Civil War II, there’s a new Inhumans character with the ability to predict the future with a high degree of accuracy and Captain Marvel and her faction wants to use this power to stop criminals before they’ve committed a crime. Essentially, they’re going full Minority Report on the Marvel Universe. But this time Iron Man is leading the resistance, as he and his allies oppose Captain Marvel’s plans.

The only plausible reason the Guardians would insert themselves into this situation is if the new Inhuman’s predictions have implications of an intergalactic scale. That would be something that the Guardians couldn’t ignore, if they were aware of it. But the more logical explanation for their involvement is that Marvel is still trying to establish the Guardians of the Galaxy and Inhumans as major franchises within the comic book world. Whatever the case, Civil War II # 1 hits in June.

Who will you side with, Rocket or Star-Lord? Declare your allegiance in the comment section below!


Image Credits: Marvel Comics

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