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Episode 95: Nerdist Writers Panel
Rebecca Sinclair, Greg…

Nerdist Writers Panel #95: Rebecca Sinclair, Greg Malins and Mark O’Keefe

Rebecca Sinclair (90210; Gilmore Girls; Buffy), Greg Malins (Friends; How I Met Your Mother; 2 Broke Girls), and Mark O’Keefe (The Weird Al Show; News Radio; Bruce Almighty). Recorded March 24, 2013.

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  1. Todd Mason says:

    Very interesting, as usual…with publishers still scrambling to deal with ebookery and all it implies, perhaps the (also democratizing, but less so) tv and film industry will be ever more the way more professional writers make their bread, at least near-term…even while enjoying writing “prose comedy” (or humor/humorous essays and fiction, etc.) for what you can get for it…at least till such time as you have an audience to rival Dave Barry’s or Fran Leibowitz’s.

    Also amused that I share the panelists’ reasons for not really liking GIRLS or PORTLANDIA enough to watch them very much–whining “entitled” young women (and men) who think they’re Really Still Girls (or, presumably, Boys or Post-Gender Youth of 25 or 30), or cartoonish caricatures of hipsters, don’t quite do it for me the way that series ranging from CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL through ARCHER and MARON and VEEP to PARKS & REC to FAMILY TREE usually do.