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Nerdist Presents

Nerdist Presents: Superman – Terrible Twos

Everyone knows the story of Superman. With their homeworld of Krypton on the verge of destruction, Jor-El and Lara put their infant son into a rocket and sent baby Kal-El on a one-way trip to a pale blue dot called Earth. Crashlanding in Smallville, Kansas, the alien babe was taken in by Ma and Pa Kent, who gave him the name of “Clark” and raised him as their own. Years later, Clark would become the world’s most conspicuous reporter and one of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe, Superman. But you already knew this, right? We thought so.

What you don’t know, however, is what happened during that second year on the farm. Sure, the origin story was covered time and time again through DC Comics’ “Year One” titles, but what about “Year Two”? Well, on today’s Nerdist Presents, thanks to our Nerdist Alliance pals at PERIODS. Films, we’re taking a look at what happens when one of the most powerful beings on Earth goes through his Terrible Twos. Spoiler alert: things are going to get messier than Gorilla Grodd at an all-you-can-eat banana buffet.

Superman Terrible Twos was written and directed by Victor Quinaz, and stars Jessica Chobot, Matt Hobby, and Percy Coiro as “Baby Clark.”

What other superhero deserves the Year Two treatment? Let us know in the comments below or tell us on Twitter.

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  1. Sam says:

    X men Year Two. the numerous characters could make for some interesting skits

  2. steve says:

    Cyclops. Year Two

  3. 31FilmTalk says:

    I’m surprised, this was great! I could feel Jess channeling some real life mother experience. 

  4. Jack says:

    lmao. we never see this part of the origin story.

  5. Orionsangel says:

    Good Job Jessica Chabot?

  6. Ethan Benard says:

    Great work on this, I enjoyed it immensely. 

  7. John says:

    That was hilarious! Great job guys 🙂

  8. Anthony says:

    Need the counterpoint of somebody that eventually becomes evil.  Probably starts out adorable, but eventually has shades of evil with mom and dad’s  evil parenting skills.

    BTW, awesome short film

  9. Ian says:

    This was lovely and hilarious. Fantastic work from everyone involved; Baby Clark looked like he was having a ball.