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WTFridays: Sad Batman, GODZILLA Week Recap and Glorious Leader!

So long, Godzilla Week. With the King of Monsters officially returning to theaters today, we bid our week of Big G worship adieu. Adieu, Big G worship!

But I digress. We’ve got a heck of a show for you on today’s Nerdist News WTFridays. You’re getting a recap of some of the best stuff to come out of Godzilla Week, a look at some of the finest Sad Batman memes that have appeared in the wake of Batfleck’s big reveal on Tuesday, and even a preview of Kim Jong Un’s first videogame, Glorious Leader! Oh, and of course, your Best Worst Comment of the Week!

Enjoy today’s show, come see us again on Monday, and don’t forget to leave a comment letting us know what two devices you’d like to see combined so that you can win a Dell XPS 12 2-in1 device! The winner, chosen at random, will be announced on Monday – so don’t forget to check back to see if you won!

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  1. I would like to see the PS4 & XboxOne combined together. so that I can play the exclusives for both consoloes and be able to use the online services for both consoles.

  2. Rachael says:

    Sonic screwdriver and a lightsaber, for those few times you have to fight (even if the doctor says no)

  3. Chris One-armed-guy Bailey says:

    A Bionic Arm and a slinky; You poor two armed fools will never understand power that shall be unleashed by my… urm.. nm… I uhh.. i just need a new arm for the one i had paralyzed…. yeah, that’s the onlyreason…. yeaaaaahhh…..

  4. S. Nicholas Gore says:

    EKG machine combined with a Midi machine to make your own awesome heart “beats”.  The ultimate dance machine.

  5. William Phillips says:

    Hey!  Beer fridge and urinal!  Hey!

  6. Kenneth Byrd says:

    60″ OLED TV with detachable beer keg cooler. With optional surround sound couch. Heaven in a Living Room.

  7. J.D. says:

    Combine two things? A skateboard and slurpee machine! Cold drinks on the go! Beware of radical brain freezes. 

  8. Laura Elena says:

    The body suit from Continuum with the invisible bicycle helmet.

  9. savirelie says:

    The Handlink from Quantum Leap and a multi-compartment Hello Kitty pencil case.

  10. Richard says:

    pizza oven and microwave. To make hot pockets while I wait for pizza. 

  11. andres says:

    a computer and a toilet

  12. Stephen says:

    Obviously billionaire Bruce Wayne lost his pet.  That is why he is so saaaad!! Come back…. Godzilla!!!!

  13. Will Bates says:

    The phone from watchdogs and an orbital strike system (like Odin from COD) i would rule with an iron fist. Or rather, a giant laser…

  14. Will Bates says:

    My iPhone and an oculus rift(portable AR)

  15. The 2.5th Doctor says:

    A portable toilette and a time machine. So I can go wherever I want and… whenever I want.

  16. Kc says:

    Godzilla and Voltron

  17. A samsung galaxy gear watch and remote control. I can control various devices ( tv, computer, start and drive a car…etc)I’ll be just like Johnny Socko and the Giant robot(minus the robot(Gigantor in Japan)).

  18. A samsung galaxy gear watch and remote control. I can control various devices ( tv, computer start and drive a car etc)I’ll be just like Johnny Socko and the Giant robot(minus the robot(Gigantor in Japan)).

  19. a go pro camera and a 3D printer.

  20. Jawn says:

    sonic screwdriver and PortalGun equals AWESOMEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Jawn says:

    the two things I would like to see combined are a pen and a phone so I can chat or speak with my friends during the school.

  22. Aaron Esham says:

    Microwave and toaster oven…fast and crispy…

  23. An alarm clock/subwoofer with detachable waffle maker. Comes complete with fresh undies for your upstairs neighbor who will no doubt, shit himself the first time that bad-boy goes off. The waffle-maker attachment is a no-brainer, tasty treats or classy alarm clock/subwoofer security system, clamping down on any hand trying to steal it, although this does pose a huge problem for the consumer who would like to turn his alarm clock off but accidentally left the waffle maker attachment on. Okay, lets scrap the waffle maker. damnit…

  24. Xander Pakzad says:

    I’d like to see sticky notes combined with a video player so I can easily tag any flat surface with cat videos.

  25. LewisWooaSaur says:

    My computer and a pizza vending machine.

  26. CharlesGroth says:

    Cell phones connected to GPS devices in each car on the road so you can call up people when they are driving like idiots!

  27. 2 Devices I would like to see combined?  A Roomba and an Expresso machine. I want my vacuum to make me coffee!

  28. Syna says:

    PC and Mac

  29. Joel says:

    A cell phone/taser with an app that notified me when someone took a selfy.  I’d zap so many ridiculous people.  🙂

  30. Rich Devine says:

    Give me an Oculus Rift with one of those masks that are suppose to help acne. Nerds would never be plagued again with bad completions again!!!

  31. Liz says:

    A tablet and a projector so you can stream movies onto any wall. Also, if it had motion sensing capability, you could project a keyboard on any surface.

  32. GreenGatsby says:

    iPhone PortalGun. (With Glados replacing Siri)

  33. Fault says:

    Car Radio and a Warp Drive

  34. CaleHaug says:

    Tricycle/toilet. Can ride in style, while while doing the deed. “They see me rolling… They hating…” 

  35. nddulac says:

    I’d like to see a megaphone combined with noise-canceling head phones.  Let them fight it out.

  36. Toilet and a lazy boy, because anything that Homer Simpson thinks up is golden.

  37. Zachary Cypret says:

    Combine a laser pointer with a loud speaker that plays the sounds of a Spartan Laser.

  38. Metal Gear Rex with the Millennium Falcon because fuck yea!

  39. Emiliano Lucero says:

    The two thing i want to be combined are my computer and my fridge so i don’t have to get up and get something to eat, right before watching Nerdist News.

  40. theroman says:

    Alarm clock and coffee maker. Mornings are hard…

  41. An oled screen and a car so I can change the paint any time I want.

  42. A smoke detector and a security camera, so I dont have to have two devices everywhere

  43. Bat369 says:

    An Atari 2600 with an Atari 5600