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NERDIST NEWS: Magneto Kills JFK, Daredevil’s New Digs, and Matt Smith Talks DOCTOR WHO

Thanksgiving may still be three days away, but let us braise the turkey of your brains with the finest pop culture gravy the Internet has to offer. Wait, no, that’s gross. Let’s go a different route. Happy Monday, y’all! Jessica Chobot is out of town, so hosting duties fell to none other than yours truly, so I made sure that today’s episode was packed to the gills with exclusives, interviews, and even a special appearance from Rad Dad himself, Edward James Olmos.

From the skinny on Mark Waid and Chris Samnee’s just-announced Daredevil #1 to the terrible truth behind the JFK assassination to more Doctor Who goodness from Kyle Anderson and Matt Smith and beyond, today’s episode has a little something for everyone. So put those boring spreadsheets aside, tell your boss you need a minute (or four), and settle in for the most exclusive episode of Nerdist News yet! Enjoy your vacation, Chobot!

There you have it, folks! What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know in the comments below, or tell me and the show on Twitter!

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Experience Fantasy Football GAME OF THRONES-Style in Our New “Fantasy Fantasy…

This Striking T-Shirt Celebrates the Return of a Popular STAR WARS Character

This Striking T-Shirt Celebrates the Return of a Popular STAR WARS Character

John Pinette, 1964-2014

John Pinette, 1964-2014



  1. Mason says:

    Well, you realize there were actually 4 doctors in the movie right? Technically 5 if you count the shot of Peter’s eyes.

    I’m pretty happy about the lack of fan service, they pulled off some pretty complex writing, and Clara did what she always does, keep the doctor from making mistakes that might kill him.

    It also set up a great new story plot that I hope they explore. It was better than I expected, and it made me hopeful for the future, what more could I want?

  2. Michael says:

    As much as I love Jessica (literally and illiterately) I gotta say Dan’s an awesome host (so cover,very art – hilarious). Dan, you asked for our opinion on Day of the Doctor. I’ll voice it here where no one will read it. I was let down. The fact there were only two Doctors (plus one War Doctor) made it feel less important. Less event. If it had been a normal episode I would have loved it but I expected more from this BIG EVENT MOVIE!! And the resolution coming from Clara felt forced. I actually was moved by the fact they decided to press the “big red button” together so War Doctor wouldn’t feel so much guilt…then Clara is all “come on!! isn’t there another way?” and that causes them to stop from committing genocide. Is that all it took? “Guys, before committing mass murder, I want you to have a rethink”. Also – The whole Zygon side story and Queen Elizabeth side stories felt like that took momentum away from the key part of the story – the Doctors meeting and the resolution of the War Doctor’s dilemma. As I said – I am not faulting the episode (which was actually really cool and had some nice themes) but more of the letdown because it didn’t live up to the expectations I had of it being an event. “But Michael – it gave the new Doctor the mission to find Galifrey! how more event-y do you want it?” I dunno…5 more event-y I guess. I am so hard to impress.