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Nerdist News


Happy Monday and an even happier Veteran’s Day to all of you out there! The weekend may be over, but it’s Monday, which means a brand new episode of Nerdist News, which is always a cause for celebration. Thank you kindly for tuning in for our first week of shows last week. We’ve already made quite a few memories, haven’t we? From Jessica’s Star Trek 3 rumor-palooza to my sweater getting ruined by a cyborg to that time Broki met Jaimie Alexander, it’s been an action-packed experience thus far. Well, we’re not about to rest on our laurels!

On today’s episode, we’ve got all the news that’s fit to print and then some. Between Star Wars casting calls, the latest on the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special, the myriad rumors swirling around Batman vs. Superman and more, we’ve got more nuggets than a value meal at McDonald’s. Chances are that ours contain more white meat per capita than theirs too.

What did you think? Sound off on today’s stories in the comments below or tweet at the show on Twitter!

TV-Cap: A GAME OF THRONES Star Kicks Steve-O, Plus Jada Pinkett Smith’s Wild…

TV-Cap: A GAME OF THRONES Star Kicks Steve-O, Plus Jada Pinkett Smith’s Wild…

Meet DUCKTALES' New Gladstone Gander, Paul F. Tompkins (Exclusive)

Meet DUCKTALES' New Gladstone Gander, Paul F. Tompkins (Exclusive)

How Will the Guardians of the Galaxy Join AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR?

How Will the Guardians of the Galaxy Join AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR?



  1. T_ says:

    And is The Nerdist becoming like G4…XBOX only news…I was in a Bets Buy the other day and hear a man ask “I want to pre-order a PS4 for my son.” And the sales associate said (I kid you not) “You don’t want that system you want an X-Box ONE.” WTF.
    Best Buy sucks anyway but really (so I am a little jaded), but not servicing a customer and what they specifically asked for…and pulling out all the stops to push a X-Box ONE. If the associate has listened to what he really said…”…for my son…” key word. VERY LAME.

  2. John G. says:

    Love it.

  3. The Big D says:

    Target screws up and Microsoft punishes the consumers? Who WOULDN’T fire up their XBox One if it arrived early? Lame…………But not lame enough for me to cancel my pre-order.

  4. Anthony says:

    The wrist tat is so close to the nerdist icon, why not go all the way. Just laser off the inner triangle and put in a laser tat shooting out of the triangle. Won’t regret it ever.