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Nerdist Comics Panel #39: Marc Andreyko

The prolific writer of DC’s Batwoman and Manhunter, co-writer of such books as The Illegitimates,Torso, and The Lost Marc Andreyko sits down with Marc Bernardin (The Hollywood Reporter), Ben Blacker (Thrilling Adventure Hour), and Heath Corson (Justice League: War) to talk about breaking into comics, his process, creating new characters, gay characters, and lots more.

What Are Varys' True Motivations in the GAME OF THRONES?

What Are Varys' True Motivations in the GAME OF THRONES?

Fan Art Turns SpongeBob and Patrick Into Horrifying Live-Action Humans

Fan Art Turns SpongeBob and Patrick Into Horrifying Live-Action Humans

RICK AND MORTY Gets a FRIENDS Style Opening Sequence

RICK AND MORTY Gets a FRIENDS Style Opening Sequence

