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Episode 126: Nerdist Comics Panel
Howard Chaykin

Nerdist Comics Panel #126: Howard Chaykin

Superstar storyteller Howard Chaykin sits down with Adam Beechen to share his opinions – and Howard has MANY opinions – on his controversial book ‘The Divided States of Hysteria,’ on the portrayal (or not) of heroism in his work, on the unfathomable underrated-ness of artist Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, on Adam’s hair, and on a zillion other topics. Oh, and he shows off his singing voice, too.

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The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

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Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air
