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Nathan Fillion’s Muppet Saunter of Shame

In case you’ve managed to stay out of The Muppets gossip pool this week, here’s what you missed. In the weeks since Miss Piggy and Kermit broke up, there’s most certainly a new man in town. Nathan Fillion has been spotted on the lot where a certain diva has been filming, and he’s not doing anything particularly daring to keep his presence hidden from her ex frog.

Here’s how it all started:

That Nathan Fillion, he certainly is a gentleman when it comes to the apple of his eye. After checking in with her ex, Fillion made sure to be in all the right places at all the right times.

Case in point:

I mean, can you blame her? Nathan Fillion didn’t get the appreciative moniker Captain Tight Pants for nothing now did he? Sure that uniform on Firefly was tight, but it was tight on his posterior so you can’t fault Miss Piggy, a woman well known for appreciation of beauty and health, for noticing his distracting gluts. You can see all the scandalousness that happened next above.

You see that shameless (because there’s nothing to be ashamed of frankly) saunter that ex-frog Kermit witnessed? Of course, Nathan could have had the grace to make sure his shirt was buttoned, but who knows how fast Miss Piggy pushed him out of the trailer.

All gossipy jokes aside, Fillion has been starring in a number of these fun promos for the new The Muppets show that will premiere on ABC on Tuesday, September 22nd at 8pm. You’re definitely going to want to tune in and see all the on-set, behind the scenes shenanigans that those crazy Muppets get themselves into. Hopefully, this will not be the last we see of Miss Piggy’s new flame.

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