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Music Geek Track Of The Day” ‘It Girl’ By Pharrell is 16-bit, Anime, and So Kawaii

This post is about to take my like six hours to write because my pupils just dilated to the size of Sacajawea dollars after watching this maximally animated, part-16-bit, part-anime, 100%-kawaii-as-f-ck music video for Pharell’s “It Girl” from his perpetually “Happy”  album GIRL (the last time my eyes felt this abraded was in 2010, when I watched Kanye’s Enter The Void referencing music video for “All Of The Lights”)

For such a placid, relaxed, catchy-but-standard top-40 songs, the sensory bludgeoning of this music video is ludicrous! Takashi Murakami, Fantasista Utamaro, and a huge team of animators were responsible for deftly weaving anime scenes (think K-On or Kyoto Animation) into 16-bit side scroller graphics as a narrative about Pharrell finding his perfect girl/dating sim unfolds. After picking out the perfect outfit for his girl, using a missile-loaded dolphin spaceship to vanquish a giant face (whose lil puppy is that on the Mt Rushmore in the background of that scene??), Pharrell finally greets the love of his life while he break dances on the beach, donning his smokey the bear hat, tux, and all.

Check out the video below, but maybe think twice if you can’t handle bright flashing graphics. My eyes are still torched. Worth it.

Below you’ll find my favorite three screen caps from the optical demolition that is Pharrell’s new music video. So happy about everything right now. No not that “Happy”. Well actually, yes that “Happy”.

Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 4.19.36 PM

Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 4.20.57 PM

Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 4.21.56 PM


Do you guys thinks this stands up to the insane visuals we’ve grown accustomed to from Kyrary Pamyu Pamyu? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!

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