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Music Geek Track Of The Day: ‘Best Friend (Wave Racer Remix)

We found it! The best SummerFriday track yet! If you like synth 8bit tunes, heavily mixed with an already catchy pop song, added underneath a bed of sunshine then you’re in luck, because here it is! Foster The People’s hit, “Best Friend” has been pushed to a whole new level by Wave Racer, a musician based out of Sydney, Australia, which completely makes sense because I could totally see Kangaroos bouncing’ around to this jam. No, I’m not saying the only thing Australia has going for it is Kangaroos, it’s just an added bonus that needs to be appreciated. From the second this track begins, you don’t want it to end. If MTV still had an awesome spring break beach house like they did in the early 2000s, this song would be playing on repeat for all of the extras to dance to. It uses the lyrics minimally, but expands the arrangement to make it more of a funky dance jam rather than a radio-hit. It’s what I imagine Princess Peach works out to. Can I be done with metaphors now please? Enjoy this with a popsicle and a burrito, and the folks here @NerdistMusic.

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