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Movie Morsels: STAR TREK’s Release Date Announced, ANT-MAN and BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE Updates

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! We’re joining jolly old Saint Nick today by topping off your stockings with a few Movie Morsels. Before you settle down for a long winter’s nap, enjoy the latest on director Justin Lin’s Star Trek film, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Marvel’s Ant-Man, Danny Boyle’s Jobs, and Disney’s Into the Woods!

Star Trek 3

Star Trek

Yesterday we learned that longtime Fast & Furious franchise helmer Justin Lim will replace Roberto Orci as the director of the next Star Trek film, and today we’ve got an official release (star)date for the Enterprise crew’s next cinematic adventure: July 8, 2016.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Amy Adams

We have confirmation that the Dark Knight will not only share scenes with the Last Son of Krypton in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but with the love of his life as well. Lois Lane will appear on camera with Batman for the first time in a live-action production. Speaking with Moviefone, actress Amy Adams (pictured above in American Hustle) commented on Ben Affleck in the film: “”He’s hot! Sorry, Jen. I have the utmost respect for your relationship, but he looks fantastic. And the work that I did with him, I think it’s going to be great.”

[Cinema Blend]



The first trailer for Marvel’s Ant-Man appears likely to debut within the next few weeks. As points out, the film’s trailer has been “classified” by the Canadian Film Board, which often occurs before a trailer’s release. Since there are no upcoming Disney film’s scheduled for release, however, it may appear before another studio’s film, or, perhaps even on TV alongside Marvel’s Agent Carter. That show’s premiere is January 6th, so the timing would be perfect. In any case, since the trailer’s run time is 1 minute and forty-eight seconds, this will be more mere tease, but a bonafide look into what director Peyton Reed has concocted for the tiniest Avenger. Ant-Man will arrive in theaters on July 17, 2015.


Into the Woods

Disney and Rob Marshall’s adaptation of the beloved Stephen Sondheim musical Into the Woods rolls into theaters this Thursday, December 25th; and the studio has just released the latest clip from the film, featuring Lilla Crawford’s Red Riding Hood — and her entertaining rendition of “To Grandmother’s House” — as she meets James Corden and Emily Blunt’s characters.

[Coming Soon]


Inherent Vice

Paul Thomas Thomas Anderson’s Inherent Vice hasn’t garnered the unanimous praise of the director’s past works, but star Katherine Waterston has won accolades for her performance in the film, as the ex-lover of Joaquin Phoenix’s character (pictured above). Now those accolades look set to continue, since Waterston has signed on as the female lead in director Danny Boyle’s much-discussed Steve Jobs biopic. Waterston will play Chrisann Brennan, Jobs’ “high school girlfriend, longtime partner and the mother of his first child.” Adapted by Aaron Sorkin from the book by Walter Isaacson, Universal’s Jobs will co-star Michael Fassbender as the late Apple CEO, along with Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak.

[The Hollywood Reporter]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below — and happy holidays!



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  1. satori says:

    I will be planning *not* to see Star Trek under Lin’s direction. I’m into action movies, but going this way says to me that this is supposed to be an action Star Trek, and I have no interest in that. If it comes out, and the reviews say different then I may consider it, but As I said, no plans to see it.

    • a hole cam says:

      The onion already did a piece on this point of view on how hardcore fans found these movies to be too “fun and watchable”. Sorry satori. Your hipster mentality has already been anticipated.