The weekend has come and gone, but you can start your week off on the right foot with some seriously tasty Movie Morsels. On today’s menu, we have the latest on the fate of Iron Man 4, your first look at The Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron, casting updates on Mission: Impossible 5, and much more. So, grab a coffee and grab a seat because this news will definitely wake you up.
Iron Man 4
Are you ready for another Tony Stark solo adventure? So am I, but it looks like we’re going to be waiting for quite some time. At the Toronto International Film Festival, where Robert Downey Jr. was on hand for the premiere of his new film The Judge, the actor nipped these pesky rumors in the bud.
“There isn’t one in the pipe…No, there’s no plan for a fourth ‘Iron Man.’â€
Sorry to disappoint, Iron Bros, but Kevin Feige of Marvel Studios is most definitely not in a cave with a box of scraps working on a fourth film at the moment. In the meantime, you’ll have to settle for seeing RDJ as Iron Man in Avengers: Age of Ultron next May.
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Ever since it was confirmed that Paul Bettany would be playing the Marvel Universe’s favorite Synthezoid, The Vision, in Avengers: Age of Ultron, fans have been wondering how true to the comics they would be with his aesthetic. Well, Instagram user YeongJip spotted a new Age of Ultron promotional poster at an international products expo that offers us our first official-ish look at The Vision, who is looking damn good and pretty true to form. [ScreenCrush]
Mission: Impossible 5
After stealing scenes in Prometheus and Deliver Us From Evil, Sean Harris’ next on-screen mission, should he choose to accept it, will be as a villain in Christopher McQuarrie’s Mission: Impossible 5. McQuarrie welcomed Harris to the film in a recent tweet; the production kicked off in Vienna recently with Cruise reprising his role as Ethan Hunt, joined by Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Paula Patton, Rebecca Ferguson, Alec Baldwin, and others. [Empire]
The Maze Runner
The feature film adaptation of James Dashner’s mega popular The Maze Runner is jogging ever closer to its September 19 release date, but first take a look behind the scenes with some concept art from artist Wayne John Haag. [Filmsketchr]
Tom Hiddleston
Hiddles McGriddles continues to make the Internet swoon in new and exciting ways. The latest? He made a surprise appearance at Michigan’s Wheatlands music festival where he performed the Hank Williams tune “Move It On Over.” The Avengers star will be playing Hank Williams in an upcoming biopic about the musical legend, so consider this a sneak peek at what’s to come. [Vanity Fair]
Big Game
He’s been Nick Fury. He’s been Jules Winnefield. He’s been Mace Windu. And now, Samuel L. Jackson is the motherf–king President of the United States of America in Big Game. The action-comedy finds President SLJ on the run from terrorists, but we have a sneaking suspicion that he’s about to dole out his own unique brand of justice. Check out the trailer. [MTV]
22 Jump Street
Need more Channing Tatum in your life? Are you suffering from a distinct lack of Jonah Hill? Don’t worry — these 22 Jump Street outtakes are exactly what the doctor ordered, and they’re part of a balanced breakfast.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
If you’re anything like me, you grew up on a steady diet of watching the ever-loving hell out of Robert Zemeckis’ live action-meets-animation masterpiece, Who Framed Roger Rabbit? If you’re anything like me, you also covered your eyes during the horrifying sequence in which Judge Doom melts into a pile of screeching goo. The point is, it’s a great movie, but a new video suggests it could have been very different. Compiling test footage and concept art, the video gives us a look at the Roger Rabbit that might have been — and he’s voiced by Pee-Wee Herman, to boot! [io9]
What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know in the comments below or tell me on Twitter.
They don’t need another MI. Tom Cruise, listen to that country song – how can we miss you if you won’t go away. I’m like hundreds of millions – we will NEVER pay money to see your movies again nor will we watch even for free on TV. He’s just a creepy d-bag.
so you do realize the person singing wasnt tom cruise, but in fact the tome that played as loki right?
It’s alright. Just wait for Cosmic Avengers, aka Guardians 3.