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Movie Morsels: New GHOSTBUSTERS Featurette Showcases Chris Hemsworth’s Secretary Kevin

Let’s not mince words—today’s Movie Morsels has enough goodness to flatten the hump in your Hump Day. Including a hilarious featurette with new footage from the Ghostbusters reboot, the latest Blade Runner 2 casting news, the trailer for the adaptation of Stephen King‘s Cell, and more!


Happy Administrative Professionals Day! Yes, there is a holiday celebrating the admins of the world. And Sony has used the occasion to release a featurette on the new Ghostbusters. This one focuses on the team’s own admin, the photogenic but dim Kevin, played by Chris Hemsworth. There was once a time when funny, lovable dumb blondes—from Marilyn Monroe to Judy Holliday—ruled the silver screen, so it’s nice to see the tradition carried on in Hemsworth. With a 21st century twist…


Blade Runner 2

Sylvia Hoeks

And speaking of photogenic… Alcon Entertainment’s Blade Runner 2 grows easier on the eyes with each passing day. Joining the not-unpleasant-to-look-at Ryan Gosling and the recently cast Ana de Armas in the film is Dutch actress Sylvia Hoeks (pictured above in 2012’s The Girl and Death). No word yet on who Hoeks will play, but I’m gonna assume that most everyone under 40 in the cast is, as was the case in the original Blade Runner, playing a replicant. Alcon co-founders Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson comment, “Sylvia is a radiant talent, a tremendous actress with great appeal in a wide variety of roles. Her addition to this vastly accomplished international cast is a perfect fit.”

Harrison Ford, Robin Wright, and Dave Bautista co-star in the Denis Villeneuve-directed sequel, due out on October 6, 2017.



John Cusack and Samuel Jackson reunite for another Stephen King movie, but no, it’s not 1408: Part 2. Instead, it’s the long-in-development Cell, which sees the city of Boston erupt in chaos when a cell phone signal transforms its populace into blood-crazed maniacs. The film arrives on VOD on June 10 and lands in theaters on July 8. Here’s the trailer, courtesy of Entertainment Tonight

[Entertainment Tonight]

The Lost Wife

daisy ridley

While it’s not a sci-fi piece, the drama The Lost Wife is sure to attract a ton of the genre’s fans. Because Daisy Ridley is attached to star in this adaptation of the novel by Alyson Richman, about two star-crossed lovers in pre-World War II Prague whose romance is turned upside down by the Nazi invasion. But before she starts work on the project, Ridley’s next film, after finishing Star Wars: Episode VIII, is the sci-fi drama Kolma, with J.J. Abrams producing.


American Jesus

American Jesus

Finally today… Mark Millar’s big-screen winning streak looks to continue for the foreseeable future. The film rights for two more of the Kick-Ass/Wanted/Kingsman creator’s comics have just been acquired. Waypoint Entertainment has picked up American Jesus and Supercrooks.

American Jesus (published by Image) concerns a twelve-year-old boy who believes he’s the reincarnated Jesus Christ. While Supercrooks (published by Marvel) is a heist story about eight retired supervillains looking to rob the world’s biggest crime boss… I’ve no doubt the words “Suicide Squad meets Ocean’s Eleven” were used at the pitch meeting.


What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

Featured Image: Sony

Images: Sony, Stelling Films, Image, Lucasfilm, Disney





Comic Book Day: Talking SEX with Joe Casey

Comic Book Day: Talking SEX with Joe Casey
