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Movie Morsels: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2 Story Details, DEADPOOL’s Leading Lady, and More

Cheer up, America. Monday ain’t so bad. Not when director James Gunn offers us some info on Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and we have the names of the actresses competing to win the heart of Deadpool in his solo film debut! Plus, an update on Spectre, surprising news on who will perform The Lego Movie‘s “Everything Is Awesome” at this year’s Oscar ceremony, and a hilarious Fifty Shades of Grey spoof. All in today’s Movie Morsels!

Guardians of the Galaxy 2


While we’re looking forward to this year’s Marvel releases, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t already have one eye on Guardians of the Galaxy 2, director James Gunn’s sequel to last summer’s sci-fi smash hit. Speaking on the podcast Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend, Gunn dropped a few hints about his follow-up film’s story, which he claims will be a completely original tale…

“It’s not really based on anything. The story for Guardians 2 is an original story that I came up with that I started working on actually while I was shooting Guardians 1, and it’ll answer some of the questions that were put forth in the first movie about Peter Quill’s father and who he is and what’s going on with that. We’ll get to know some of the characters a little bit more and then we’re going to meet a couple of new characters who will be very important to Guardians movies and probably important to the Marvel Universe as a whole.”

As he’s mentioned in past interviews, Gunn again said Quill’s daddy will not the same man he is in the established Marvel Comics Universe…

“It’s different than what’s in the comic books. Peter Quill’s father is somebody different in the comics. So then when the movie came out, we got green-lit on the sequel right away. I went in and I sat down with those guys and I’m like, ‘Okay, here’s what I think the sequel should be.’ And they were like, ‘Oh, whoa. That’s risky, but okay.’ Now I’m going to turn over the story in a few short weeks and we’ll find out how well it works.”

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 rockets us back into space on May 5, 2017!

[Coming Soon]



Now that the Deadpool film is at long last moving forward, many fans may be wondering who will star as the movie’s leading lady? According to Deadline, as many as five actresses are contending for the role, with four definite names mentioned: Gotham‘s Morena Baccarin, Orange Is the New Black‘s Taylor Schilling, Teen Wolf‘s Crystal Reed, and The Red Band Society‘s Rebecca Rittenhouse. Who do you think deserves to partner with the Merc with a Mouth?




Welcome back, Mr. Bond. After suffering a knee injury last week on the Pinewood Studio set of director Sam Mendes’ Spectre, Daniel Craig is back in action as he resumes work on the next 007 film. On Saturday, an unnamed crew member reported, “Everything is fine. We have been filming today.” Spectre opens on November 6th.


The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie team

Directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller may not have received an Oscar nomination for their hugely popular and wildly acclaimed The Lego Movie, but the filmmakers were recognized at this weekend’s BAFTA Awards, where their efforts won them the prize for Best Animated Film. “You are our favorite Academy by far,” said the directors upon receiving their BAFTA. “You guys win the award for best Academy. This is the end of the awards road for us, so we can say whatever we want. There’s no one left to impress.”

In other Lego Movie news, two great tastes that should taste great together — Tegan and Sara and The Lonely Island — will perform the film’s Oscar-nominated tune “Everything is Awesome” at the 87th Academy Awards ceremony on February 22nd. Yes, everything is most definitely awesome!


Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty Shades

Despite advance word that the on-screen chemistry between lead actors Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan is, well, a bit on the tepid side, Fifty Shades of Grey is expected to open huge on February 13th. How huge? So much so that director Sam Taylor-Johnson, speaking at an advance screening of the film on Friday in New York, has announced that two sequels, based on the second and third books in E.L. James’ bestselling trilogy, are definitely coming. Good news for those of us who invested beaucoup bucks in BDSM gear to wear to the premiere.

BTW, if you haven’t already seen comedian Vanessa Bayer’s hilarious Audi-sponsored spoof of Fifty Shades of Grey, what in the world are you waiting for? Check it out below now.

[The Hollywood Reporter]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

What Color Is That Dress!?

What Color Is That Dress!?

The Science of

The Science of "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board"



  1. Insightful Panda says:

    Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like that Audi commercial will be better than the real FSoG lol
    But on a serious note, curious to see what Gunn’s risky choice for GotG 2 will be. I’m excited 😀

  2. wes says:

    morena baccarin could easily do deadpool’s lead lady, she was in firefly with nathan fillion and his love interest and near all of nathan’s characters he plays has a mouth that runs. so she already has experience.

  3. TJ Anderson says:

    just so long as Star Lord isn’t half asgardian. 

    • Kramer says:

      Not sure what the movie will be but in the comics he is half Spartan.  Apparently, Spartans are so badass that they get their own planet and species…

  4. Peter says:

    It’s a Deadpool movie. We don’t need 5 leading ladies.

  5. LAB says:

    I wasn’t going to see FSOG anyway but I’m curious about one thing.  How could any woman not have  on-screen chemistry with Dornan?  That man is beautiful.  Judging from the trailer, Dakota Johnson couldn’t make falling down look believable. 

  6. Derek Wheeler says:

    Damn I read Spectre here I was thinking Jim Corrigan not Jim Bond