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Movie Morsels: BLADE RUNNER 2 Update, JUPITER ASCENDING’s Best Trailer Yet, Y: THE LAST MAN Movie Dead?

Thanks for spending another week with us here at Movie Morsels! For today’s Friday edition of the web’s top movie news, we’re starting the weekend with a new-and-improved trailer for Jupiter Ascending, the latest on Blade Runner 2, more featurettes from Exodus: Gods and Kings, Benedict Cumberbatch’s face, and the kind of nuttiness that only David Hasselhoff can deliver.

Jupiter Ascending

The initial trailers for the Wachoskis’ delayed sci-fi opus (originally set for release this summer) featured plenty of the visual razzle-dazzle the siblings are best known for. But a new UK trailer for the Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum-starring epic — now due in February — gives us a better grasp of the film’s story, explaining why Kunis’ everywoman-turned-heir to the galactic throne has no knowledge of her origins and why the revelation of these origins places the earth in mortal danger. There’s also footage of Kunis’ man-wolf protector (played by Tatum) in heated combat with a winged alien! Still no confirmation, however, on whether or not Sean Bean’s character will survive this story. [i09]

Untitled David Hasselhoff Movie


The Hoff has apparently been developing a vanity project in which Ken Jeong — in all his sick, sad twisted glory — wants to kill him. Naturally, any movie about the Hasselhoff must feature his Knight Rider co-star, talking car KITT. It’s now being reported that Hasselhoff has enlisted Justin Bieber to be the voice of KITT. We have no idea why the actor wants Bieber, what kind of deal was made to obtain his services, or how original KITT voice actor William Daniels feels about all this. But in a perfect world, another movie would be made in which Daniels wants to kill Bieber. [AV Club]

Blade Runner 2


Sir Ridley Scott has finally given an update on the status of his long-planned Blade Runner sequel. Chatting with Yahoo! Movies, the director says he spoke with star Harrison Ford about the project just the night before his infamous accident on the set of the next Star Wars film. “It’s on the charts,” says Scott. “I can’t say when that would be yet, because of [Ford’s] thing with Star Wars. It’s a sequel – it’s what happens next. It’s quite surprisingly clever.” [Screenrant]

Exodus: Gods and Kings

While Ridley Scott waits to see if Ford can reprise the role of is-he-or-isn’t-he-a-replicant Rick Deckard anytime soon, three behind-the-scenes featurettes for the director’s next project — Exodus: Gods and Kings, his retelling of the Moses story starring Christian Bale — have hit the web detailing the film’s action, costumes, and locations. Exodus lands on December 12th. [Playlist]

The Wedding Ringer

Josh Gad — best known to cosplayers everywhere as the voice of Frozen‘s snowman Olaf — plays a man so in need of bromance he must hire someone to be the best man at his wedding to Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting (no stranger to social misfits) in The Wedding Ringer. Fortunately, ubiquitous motormouth funnyman Kevin Hart runs a business that provides the very service that Gad’s character needs. You see how these things work out in film comedies? The Wedding Ringer is out on January 16th from Screen Gems, and its second trailer has just arrived. [Deadline]

Y: The Last Man


Sadly, it appears that director Dan Trachtenberg’s planned adaptation of writer Brian K. Vaughn and artist Pia Guerra’s sixty-issue Vertigo comic series Y: The Last Man will not happen after all. The filmmaker has confirmed that the film rights have reverted back to the creators. “Not happening,” Trachtenberg tweeted, “But it’s in trusted hands (the creators).” In a follow-up chat with /Film, Trachtenberg explained that “The script was essentially the first two trades. Taking inspiration from the original Star Wars — we wanted to tell a complete story… but not the whole story. Hoping that, in success, we could get tell the rest of our serialized adventure.”

“I’m not sure Brian will ever want to do anything more with it,” added the director, “and I’m not sure that he needs to.” [Coming Soon]

The Imitation Game

Ladies (and gentlemen), start your swooning… Ice bucket challenge heartthrob Benedict Cumberbatch is clearly the selling point in the just-released poster for The Imitation Game, in which the ‘Batch plays World War II British codebreaking genius Alan Turing, a hero for his efforts against the Nazis who was later arrested for homosexual acts by the very country he helped save. The film debuts stateside on November 21st. [Telegraph]


Patient Zero

Natalie Dormer is determined to cement her status as every nerd’s dream girl by starring in Patient Zero, a Screen Gems thriller about a rabies strain that goes out of control, turning people across the globe into cannibalistic mutants faster than you can say World War Z. Little else is known about the film at this point. But suffice it to say, after her turns in Captain America: The First Avenger and Game of Thrones, Dormer can cure me of rabies anytime. [ScreenRant]

What do you make of today’s top stories? Let us know in the comments below!

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



  1. Kelly Trill says:

    Patient Zero is from a great book series by Johnathan Mayberry. Think Jack Bauer meets X-Files with the Agents of Shield. Should be a great movie!

  2. Jesse Miller says:

    Can’t say that I’m mad about Y being cancelled.  I always thought that series would be better as a limited TV series than a movie anyways.