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Mother of Mecha! It’s the Opening Minutes of Evangelion 3.0!


Feeling NERVous for tonight’s midnight release of Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo in Japanese theaters? Well, why not let the first 6 minutes and 38 seconds assuage your fears? That’s right – you can feast your Shinji-starved eyes on the first 6 minutes of the film (in raw Japanese), which aired as a promo after last night’s Nippon Television Network screening of Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance. Now, if we could just advance the space-time continuum to a point where we can get a US theatrical release, we’ll sleep easier than Gendo Ikari on a waterbed full of his own son’s tears.

Are you excited for the latest Evangelion film? Quemment below and let us know!

Peter Jackson Filmed Part of RETURN OF THE KING on a Mine Field

Peter Jackson Filmed Part of RETURN OF THE KING on a Mine Field

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The “Long Long Man” Japanese Candy Commercials Are Full of Innuendo

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  1. Gospel X says:

    Dan Casey, great work. You’ve gotten the attention of the cult of Evangelion. You know you’ll have to post more about anime here, not to mention keep track of the US theatrical dates and home video releases of Eva 3.0.

  2. Xeroz says:

    Finally! A post about an anime.
    It’s kinda sad there aren’t more posts in this regard @ Nerdist.

    Could this possibly mean there’ll be more posts about anime if enough ppl Quemment?

    Quick, everyone reading this that thinks Nerdist should do more posts about anime post a comment here…
    And, tell your friends to do the same.

  3. Gee-oh says:

    I’ve been waiting for this!!! Thanks for the post NERDIST! I didn’t see enough of Shinji in the trailer though…

  4. Amy says:

    I think I need to rewatch Eva, it’s been years for me too.

  5. panty lord says:

    at 432 the song is from the secret of blue water (Babel no hikari)

  6. merrv says:

    not quite

  7. Merakus says:

    you hear that?! even in the midst of a tough battle she finds the time to call Shinji an idiot, seriously though keep up the awesome work guys. Nothing greater than coming home from work and seeing two seperate Nerdist links to things I love, The Doctor and Eva.

  8. jenn lynn says:

    im overly excited

  9. JetpackBlues says:

    *wipes lone tear*


    I love this site.

  10. Aj says:

    The Rebuild films have been slowly diverging from the original series (in 2.0 particularly) mainly in subtle ways, such as the order certain events occur, or the actions of various characters. 3.0 looks completely off the fucking chain, & I can’t wait to see it!

  11. Lee says:

    I thought these were meant to be remakes with extra bits added in but this seems like its after end of evangelion. Still seems as crazy and messed up as ever.

  12. I haven’t seen Evangelion in YEARS. I have to admit that I am excited for this!