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More STAR WARS 1313 Concept Art to Make Your Soul Ache

This is truly heartbreaking.

With the Star Wars hype being at an all-time high right now–due to the debut of The Force Awakensnew concept art of the now cancelled Boba Fett game, Star Wars 1313, has surfaced. The art is nothing short of spectacular. It is, of course, concept art, which usually does look great. But, all the intricate details in each image look interesting enough. Plus, the character designs are incredibly badass.

You can peep the gallery below, in which the first 13 images come from Gustavo Mendonca and the second half are from Bruno Werneck. Again, these are pretty rad, and it’s a shame that the plug was pulled on such a promising project.

If you don’t recall, 1313 was a Lucasarts title that featured the baddest bounty hunter out there, Boba Fett, as the main lead. There were some great trailers and clips shown off at previous E3 shows that made many Star Wars fans excited, but alas, that’s all we got. We are only left wondering what could have been.

Many are hoping that this project will some day make a glorious return, but there’s no telling at the moment. Boba Fett’s popularity certainly warrants its own video game. It’d also be interesting to see what new concepts brew with the new home console hardware as well.

Do these images make you as sad as they make me? Do you expect this game to actually be made at a future time? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Kotaku 

Image Credit: Disney Interactive


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