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Mondo’s IRON GIANT Action Figure is Shady As Hell

Remember when toy lines used to regularly include “extended universe” variants, with different powers and colors from the movie/TV show/source material? Sure, it was usually just an excuse to roll out a “new” figure without having to sculpt any new parts, but every once in a while you’d get something as cool as a Michael Keaton movie Batman figure in comic-book blue and gray, or the “Lava Planet” Predator in translucent red.

You don’t see those quite as much any more–NECA frequently does variant repaints, but they’re always based on some kind of source material, be it a video game or a vintage figure. Doing the repaint first, and then coming up with a motivation for it, is the old-school way, and is something the folks at Mondo have deliberately tried to reproduce in their newest Iron Giant figure: Shadow Variant! Featuring a black and gray scheme, this new version imagines our favorite Vin Diesel-voiced pacifist robot with stealth powers activated, making him literally look like a shadow of his former self (but in a good way). It’s also a way for those who missed out on the original run to nab an Iron Giant of their own.


Including all the same lights, sounds, and accessories as the original, in the new color scheme where appropriate, the 16-inch-tall Shadow Variant won’t exactly look invisible in your collection; rather, he’s bound to be a conversation piece, starting with the new paint job and continuing to all his articulation and play value.

Only 150 of these will be made, and they go on sale at 11AM CST this Monday, April 18th at Each one is $300, but if Mondo’s history is any indication they will sell out swiftly. Even though he’s not a gun, your trigger finger had better be ready for some quick clicking.

Will you be giant-sizing your collection with this dark beauty? Let us know below–and tell us what other variants you’d be up for!

Images: Mondo

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