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Mom Surprised Young Daughter with a Rey Mural, Amazingness Followed

When someone tries to tell you that having strong female leads in popular culture isn’t that important, send them to read this story.

When someone tries to tell you that science fiction isn’t for girls, send them to read this story.

When someone tries to tell you that Star Wars is meant for boys, send them to read this story.

However, if you just want to make someone smile, you can send them to read this story too.

On Twitter, one mom shared what happened when she surprised her young Star Wars/Rey-loving daughter with a painted mural of The Force Awaken‘s protagonist, and if you thought people were overreacting to Rey’s continued exclusion in the movie’s merchandise, this will show you why it was all justified.

Okay, we should pause here to fully collect ourselves after this adorable tidal wave of awesome, because there is more coming.

Uh, day? If I saw a little girl randomly dressed as Rey at my local Dunkin Donuts I would consider the entire year a massive success. Even the decade would be in play.

…put this girl on the writing team for the next two movies.

Stop, you can’t handle this much cuteness? You don’t even know how cute this thing gets.

Alright. That’ll do. Our hearts can only take so much. I wont even tell you about how her brother had to explain to her what it means to “go viral.”

Star Wars might just be a movie, but these things matter, and having a hero like Rey means something. For one little girl it means a hero, and for all of us it meant being able to share in her joy.

Which character was your hero as a child? Share yours in the comments below.

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