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Mmmmm…Homer Simpson as a Stormtrooper as a Cake…

Homer Simpson would make a natural Stormtrooper. He reports to an evil master, bumps his head a lot, fails to learn the most basic controls he’s supposed to master each day, has a chronic inability to dodge obstacles, and would probably be scared of teddy bears if they ran after him with spears. Bottom line: a life-sized Homertrooper ought not to scare you. As we’re about to learn, the most frightening thing about one is how many calories it contains.

That’s right: this Homertrooper is a cake, large enough to serve 130 people.


Isn’t he a little fat for a Stormtrooper?

Well, you can always pretend he’s the short-lived pro-wrestling character known as the Shockmaster…

Seriously, though, the Homertrooper cake took a whole lot of love and creation. It’s hard to imagine the actual Homer Simpson being patient enough to let designer Kylie Mangles finish. But it’d be worth it–she even added dounts for him to grab, which you might call the icing on the cake, metaphorically speaking. Mmmm…donut icing…

Stormtrooper Homer from Capture the Moment Media on Vimeo.

If Homer were a Stormtrooper, that might explain the exhaust port that got left open on the Death Star. And with his preference for casual wear over suits, is it fair to say he’s a tie fighter? [Editor’s Note: No. It’s not fair to say that. Ever.]

All I know is I need a glass of blue milk to go with some Homer belly. Or a Squishee. Or a blue milk Squishee. I’m sure they exist.

Could you bear to eat this work of art, or would you say “D’oh! Nuts!” to that and dig in? Let us know below.

Images: Letterpress Bakery

h/t: Laughing Squid

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