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Mini JURASSIC PARK: When Tortoises Ruled the Earth

Hold on to your butts, because we’re about to show you the best (and cutest) creature to ever roam across Jurassic Park: a tortoise with his very own miniature replica pen based on Steven Spielberg‘s iconic 1993 dino thriller.

We first spotted this delightful little set-up at The Hollywood Reporter, and it is the work of Oliver Turpin, who built it for his tortoise named Louie. Turpin was even kind enough to put together a short video of his tortoise’s new chill spot, accompanied by John Williams‘ beautiful and majestic score from the film to really drive home just how great this really is.

“It has grazing areas with seeds planted to grow as the weather gets better, a pool for him to drink/swim about in, visitors center, and the Jurassic Park Gates,” wrote Turpin. That description really doesn’t really do this justice though, because if you pay attention you’ll see how much care went into this, like how he took the time to make the dinosaur skeleton relief that sits above the doors to the visitor center.

Of course, if we’ve learned anything from the franchise it’s that we shouldn’t get too close to Louie and his little home, because soon some other animal will show up looking for a meal and we’ll be running for our lives.

I don’t know what the greatest tortoise pen was before this existed, but whatever it was is now second. I hope that Turpin makes a few more of these, but that his followup attempts are a little bit better than the sequels.

What other part of Jurassic Park should he include in this pen? Don’t go into your shell, head to our comments below to tel us what you think.

Images: Oliver Turpin

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