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Lando Calrissian and Han Solo Have a Woke-Off in MILLENNIAL FALCON: Episode 3

The galaxy far, far away is like, really, really big, and that means there are just so many terrible space injustices going on out there, each bigger and more terrible than the last. And someone really has to do something about them, because something is the only way anyone is going to make it a far more fair universe. The question is, uh, what exactly should a young scruffy nerf herder do to help? And is it going to be hard?


In the third installment of our new Star Wars series, Millennial Falcon (starring our own version of “young” Han Solo), our favorite youthful space smuggler and his fellow woke friend, Lando Calrissian, both try to prove to the other one that they really know what’s going out there. You can’t solve society’s biggest problems without first making sure that everyone else knows that you know all about them.

Of course, knowing that something has to be done is a little bit different than knowing what that something is. And even when you do find out what you can do to help, it might be hard, or require a lot of work, or mean you have to sacrifice your own time and energy to solving it.


But hey, that’s what social media was created for, right? So you can at least sound like you care about being a force for change? And in fairness, that is something.

What do you think is the biggest problem facing the galaxy far, far away? Tell us in the comments below, and then we’ll try to think of something we can do to help.

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