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Episode 76: Mike and Tom Eat Snacks

Mike and Tom Eat Snacks #76: Peaches

Mike and Tom are back this week with another maybe delicious snack!

This episode’s music: Jumpsuit- Too Funky for the Rock and the Roll


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  1. Your MATEY, not so amazing Corey Phelps says:

    Claire Forlani , yes the girl from that commercial is the same person from Meet Jo Black

    ps. I have listened all the podcast and my favorite is chicken in a biscuit , Keep up the good work

  2. ano says:

    I NEED my fix of MATES!

    When can we get a new episode?


    Tim Tams.

    Do it.

  3. GuanoLad says:

    Claire Forlani is indeed in those commercials, with a weird accent.

  4. Grimlyn says:

    Long time fan, first time commenter. Hope I can keep it sane and within reason……”COBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  5. Grimlyn says:

    I cannot readily access Michael and Tom from the bottom of the ocean. AKA 20 MBps

  6. Grimlyn says:

    WTF….Sword fights?!!

  7. Grimlyn says:

    okay… So what are u and Mike doing now? I follow twitter and crap, but I know true comedians update this page.

  8. Grimlyn says:

    6-7 minutes in…..It’s getting very weird. Murder and cocoanut fucking.

  9. Grimlyn says:

    I just listened to Mike and Tom…Tom made me want to be drunk. Michael came up with the best excuse while not being drunk.