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Microsoft Studios Purchases The Rights To GEARS OF WAR Franchise

If you like it, than you should definitely put a ring on it, Microsoft. And that’s exactly what the studio has done, finally purchasing the exclusive rights to the Gears Of War franchise.

This means Microsoft Studios will now take ownership of all of existing and future Gears Of War titles moving forward. They won’t, however, be acquiring the main developers behind the Gears Of War series, Epic Games, and will be handing over the development duties to Canadian studio Black Tusk. Black Tusk was announced to be working on a AAA title back during E3, and it’s safe to assume that this is what they were referring to.

It’s a bit surprising it took four games for the Microsoft Studios to make it official, as the franchise has been extremely popular and had already been published under their ticket anyway. But better late than never, and this is certainly great news for anyone who may have been wondering if we’d being seeing a new Gears game in the future. Happy to see Microsoft finally seal the deal with the Gears franchise? Tell us about it in the comments.

For Nerdist News look at the development check out the episode now:

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