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Mick Garris To Put Horror Interview Collection Online In One Place

Finally!!! If you already know what I’m talking about, you know why this is so freaking exciting. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, prepare to lose days watching these videos on YouTube.

Let me explain… While Mick Garris is a known horror writer, producer and director in his own right (he was behind the camera on Critters 2 and various Stephen King adaptations including the TV versions of The Shining, The Stand and Bag of Bones) he is also known in the horror community as the guy who gets all the other guys together. Garris started interviewing horror and sci-fi creators back in the late 1970s on the Los Angeles cable station, The Z Channel. There, he interviewed horror legends like Veronica Cartwright, William Peter Blatty, Roger Corman, John Landis, Steven Spielberg and Jamie Lee Curtis, just to name a few. He is also known for the interview series he produced and hosted called Post Mortem which aired on the now extinct FEAR NET.

If you’ve ever wandered down the rabbit hole of trying to watch these Mick Garris interviews, and they are a must see for any horror fan, then you know how incredibly frustrating it has been attempting to find all parts of the segment, in order and in one place. The Post Mortem show was especially difficult due mostly to the weird way FEAR NET’s video organization was handled.

Now, Garris has compiled his interviews from The Z Channel Show Fantasy Film Festival, Post Mortem and the commentary he provided on Trailers From Hell all in two places: a YouTube channel and a website, Garris will release one interview a week on his sites, his four-part Post Mortem John Carpenter and John Bedham Fantasy Film Festival conversations already having gone up.

Are you excited to check out Garris’s collection of interviews with the horror masters? Which are some of your favorites? I’m partial to his Post Mortem with William Friedkin and Frank Darabont myself. Let’s hear what you think in the comments below!



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  1. Thanks so much for the very kind attention!

  2. Now live on the channel: Roger Corman on POST MORTEM, a panel of Joe Dante, Barbara Steele, and Paul Bartel from a 1979 FANTASY FILM FESTIVAL, and The Making of GREMLINS.