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Mankind Beware! David from PROMETHEUS Married Ava from EX MACHINA

Under normal circumstances we wouldn’t bring you news of a Hollywood wedding, but when it involves two people who have played highly intelligent, conniving robots on the big screen, we have a responsibility to warn the masses. Because who knows what horrible fate awaits mankind after David from Prometheus married Ava from Ex Machina.

The UK’s Metro reports that this past weekend, Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander got married off the coast of Spain in Ibiza. Good for them…but is it good for the rest of us? It’s not that we’re upset two of our favorite robot performers got hitched after three years together, or that they’re yet another impossibly attractive celebrity couple, it’s that we are wary of two of the most sinister androids in recent cinematic history coming together.

Ex Machina was one of our favorite sci-fi horror movies ever, with Vikander’s Ava totally beguiling us before we realized how dangerous she was to human existence. And despite the mixed receptions to the Alien prequels, no one denies just how alluring and terrifying Fassbender’s David really is.

So what kind of evil could the two of them accomplish together? Seduce us to do their evil bidding? Turn us into incubators for monsters? Finally achieve singularity and unite the rest of the world’s machines to go to war with us, leading to the inevitable Matrix-situation we all know is coming?

Or could it be far worse than that? Could it be something to terrible to imagine? Might they teach us how to play the flute in a painfully awkward way?

God help us all.

So congratulations to the happy couple, we hope you have a long life together full of joy and happiness. But we’ll be watching.

We’ll be watching.

Which two robots would make for the most dangerous couple ever? Give us your most devilish android pairing in the comments below.

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Featured Image: 20th Century Fox, Universal Pictures

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