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Michael Bay Reveals a New TRANSFORMER, Which Looks… Familiar

Meet Squeeks (or Squeaks; both spellings are used, it seems). Michael Bay revealed the newest transforming robot from Transformers: The Last Knight on his personal Instagram, and we first noticed at Screencrush. As we went over in a recent episode of Nerdist News, Squeaks is one of three new Autobots being introduced to the Transformers universe in the new film. It also now appears that he/she will be a companion for new young star Isabela Moner.

Again tackled in the Nerdist News segment, we know that Squeaks transforms from robot to Vespa-form. Now, Squeeks is not a character that has existed in any Transformers lore before. However, we have seen a character like this before in another property that Hasbro owns…and he was also best friends with a hero kid.

I’ve mentioned before, here and elsewhere, that Hasbro appears to be seeding the beginnings of their shared cinematic universe in this one. From the ROM iconography in the initial tease, to Megatron’s Dire Wraith-like tusks, and the fact that the comics are already in the game, it feels like the groundwork is being laid more and more in every new reveal. Granted, a recent plot synopsis leaked by Joblo doesn’t mention ROM or M.A.S.K. or any other Hasbro property being groomed for the big screen, so these may simply be in-jokes for the fans that can pay off later in future movies. But considering this cinematic franchise has often been accused of not playing enough to the original fanbase, it’s nice to already see the sorts of things that only collectors of the original toys would notice.

Do you think Squeeks will somehow inspire Matt Trakker to make T-Bob? Will ROM interfere? Was Wheelie a Micronaut the whole time? Are we massively reaching?

You know you have opinions. Let’s hear ’em below.

And watch below as we dig into the many, many bonkers plot details of the upcoming Transformers: The Last Knight.

Featured Image: Paramount Pictures

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