Disney is set to introduce a new princess in 2016, and for the first time in the long and storied history of their princesses, she will be Latina. Elena of Avalor will hit Disney Junior next year as a spin off of the popular Sophia the First series. Here’s our first look:
“What excites us most is the chance to use distinctive animation and visual design to tell wonderful stories influenced by culture and traditions that are familiar to the worldwide population of Hispanic and Latino families and reflect the interests and aspirations of all children as told through a classic fairy tale,” Nancy Castor, EVP and General Manager of Disney Junior Worldwide, said in the announcement.
Elena’s story began decades before the storyline where she will make her debut. Her kingdom and family were taken from her by Shuriki, an evil sorceress. She’s captured in a magical amulet by the sorceress when she stands up to the enemy to protect her little sister. Her introduction back into the world will come when Sophia the first learns that the amulet she currently wears is where Elena is trapped. Sophia will free Elena and help her regain her kingdom. Disney has described Elena as bold, caring, funny and clever, and states that she will have to learn the good skills of leadership as she regains Avalor and becomes a successful ruler.
Elena of Avalor will be voiced by Aimee Carrero of ABC Family’s Young & Hungry.
The new princess is the first Latina princess in the Disney Princess lineup. She will join Mulan, Pocahontas, Tiana and Jasmine as the only princesses not of white European descent. Disney has come under fire in recent years for issues of diversity that they seem to be addressing. Hopefully these moves towards princesses from every culture will be followed by attention paid to the parents and girls expressing concern over unrealistic body standards and heavy redesigns the characters have undergone in recent years. We’re excited to see Elena make her first appearance!
I think it’s great that Disney is trying to diversify. However, I think it’s important to note that the Guardian Princess Alliance is WAY ahead of the game. Their stories all feature culturally-diverse princesses, including Princess Mariana – a Latina princess who takes action to fight marine pollution.
WHY does she look like JASMINE!!!????
Because you think all brown people look alike?
This girl looks white, painted brown. Take a page from Dreamworks when it comes to animating Latina curves =D. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/277/1/c/chel_7_by_kuropop-d6p6kzb.gif
That’s just Jasmine with a side swept hair updo. It’s the SAME EXACT FACE. *facepalm*
People always forget Kida. It makes me pretty sad.
She’s not really Latina is she though. It says her customs are similar to real traditions but they aren’t the actual ones so she’s not really Latina just something similar.
Latina? You have to be raped by Spaniarads and portuguese to be latin. The Same with Hispanic, It means descended from Spain.
someone didnt sit through latin american history..
Isn’t Esmerelda princess of the gypsies? Or something?
No. Besides, Disney doesn’t really like to acknowledge her…or Megara…or Kida…or Lilo and Nani, so…..
Is Ariel a white European? Technically she isn’t even human to begin with. Just saying.
Considering that Hans Christian Andersen (Anderson?) was Danish, I’d say yes. Because no matter the bastardization by Disney, that’s still sort of the base tale.
Mulan is not a princess it’s really dumb that they categorize her as such. I understand she’s a strong female role model and it’s a dumb thing to be angry about but still.
Yes she is her father is the emperor.
What? because I guess, taht I will not convince you with a simple “No, he is absolutly not.”, I just suggest, that you think about this: If her father were the Emperor, she would not have to go to war instead of him.
Her father is not the Emperor. The Emperor gives her the sword at the end of the film to take back to her father for saving the kingdom.
her father is an acclaimed war veteran. Not the emperor
But doesn’t she marry the emperor’s son?
Shang is the General’s son. when the General died, shang became the new one.
yeah its almost like calling Daenerys a Queen when she’s actually a Khaleesi
“Mulan’s courage and bravery in saving her country has earned her a spot among the royal court of princessesas well as the league of heroes. If there were a higher honor, we would have given it to her.”
Disney response.