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Medieval Musician Plays Song on Three Flutes at the Same Time

I can’t play any musical instruments. Also I’m bad at multitasking, which is why I can’t listen to a podcast and do anything else at the same time. Why do I mention either of those things? Because it’s the only way to explain why the feeling I get when I watch this Medieval enthusiast play a song on three flutes simultaneously…is basically how I would react if I watched him perform actual magic.

This Austrian musician, who goes by the name of “KawuaTV” and whom we first learned about at Laughing Squid, shares videos of himself performing as a one-man Renaissance Faire band on his Twitch account. A self-described “Middle Ages freak,” here he is seen playing a song that would precede the King’s feast on three traditional flutes, as though he’s an actual wizard.

Is it possible to hear a song like that and not get the urge to play Zelda while also eating some mutton? No, no it is not.

But he’s not just a one…err, three….trick pony, because he can also play the guitar and sing. While simultaneously playing the flute.

But it gets even better when it comes to our favorite new musician, because he says he’s available to play at your next party–so long as you’re near Vienna.

Okay then, let’s get to Vienna and throw ourselves a party! We can really go nuts on everything else because we’re going to save so much money hiring an entire band for the price of one musician. Especially since he might really be a wizard.

What song would you like to hear him try to play with multiple instruments? Wouldst thou please letteth us knoweth in thy comments section below?

Featured Image: KawauTV

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