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Medieval Armor Transforms Loki Into the Opposite of a Puny God

Loki of Asgard isn’t burdened with glorious purpose, he’s just weighed down by epic leather armor. Actually, it’s fortunate that Loki wasn’t wearing an outfit like this in The Avengers because he would have bounced right back from Hulk’s beating. This set of beautiful armor belongs to Medieval Loki. The suit was made by Prince Armory, and I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the level of craftsmanship on display. No, really. Take a close look:


Besides cutting and shaping and stitching every piece of the armor into place, there’s the dyeing and painting of the leather. Every section from the boots to the shoulder pauldrons features the same shades and gradients of green. I don’t want to know how many hours it takes to create a wearable masterpiece like this. But, it’s what Prince Armory does.

They’re artisans who craft individual pieces of armor (for your bracers, tassets, or breastplate needs) and full sets. They’re no strangers to coming up with designs based on superheroes and villains. In addition to Loki-inspired armor, they’ve fashioned medieval suits for Aquaman, the Joker, Batman, and Deadpool.

Prince Armory specializes in customization and offers practically endless combinations of armor with a wide variety of colors and blends, hand tooling, and hardware. You can run your ideas past them to receive a quote.

If money wasn’t a factor, what kind of custom armor would you request? I’d love to see a medieval spin on Boushh or Wonder Woman. Head to the comments and tell me what you’d choose.

HT: Geeks Are Sexy

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  1. strawhatskilly says:

    rorona zoro

  2. Kayla says:

    There is a Wonder Woman in leather!

  3. Chris says:

    I already have a high end suit from Price Armories.  His Dragon Crusader is mine!  🙂  

  4. Dark Phoenix. Not that she would need it, but it would look super badass.

    Storm as well. 

  5. Felipe Soto says:

    I would love to see what the armor for Scorpion would look like I mean scorpion has armor but I would love to see him in full body armor 

  6. LAB says:

    Chimera from X-Men bit it would pretty similiar in color scheme. I’d love to see the boots they’d design with the dragon dress.