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MC Lars and Spose Unleash the “POKÉMON GO Rap” Video (Premiere)

Everybody you know is playing Pokémon GO, and that includes our favorite nerdy rapper, MC Lars. He previously wowed us with “If I Were a Jedi (That Would Be Hella Awesome),” and now he’s back with Maine rapper Spose—whom you might remember from his 2010 song “I’m Awesome”—for “Pokémon GO Rap,” a look at how the augmented reality sensation has taken over their lives, for better or worse… more often for worse. We’re happy to have the exclusive premiere of the track and its music video, so check it out above.

The video sees Lars and Spose—in California and Maine, respectively—walking around in a state of Pokémon GO-induced constant distraction, so much so that Lars is catching Pokémon at his grandmother’s funeral (in the casket, no less) and Spose got fired and missed his wedding. Between the hooks that seem to draw inspiration from Vanilla Ice’s “Ninja Rap,” the two also address the point that during a tumultuous time in the world, people are more focused on Pokémon GO than social issues, which they argue can be a positive thing.

“We wanted to write a rap about Pokémon GO because not only are we both continuing to play it at inappropriate times, we also think it’s great how the app is keeping the world distracted during a time of such division and pain,” Lars told us. “No dead bodies were discovered in the making of this video.”

Check out the clip above, and let us know in the comments if you’ve done anything in real life similar to what MC Lars and Spose have here.

Featured Image: MC Lars/YouTube

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