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MASS EFFECT TRILOGY Listed By Chilean Retailer For PS4 And Xbox One

Mass Effect Trilogy has been listed for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One via Zmart, a Chilean retailer with an affinity for listing unannounced games. There are currently no release dates available for either platform, though customers can sign up to receive a notification when the game does finally get a street date.

Surely this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, especially with the slew of next-gen remastered games that have been announced or released within the last year. You have to wonder how many more of these we’ll see until publishers and studios decide to, you know, move forward with all of their resources. The real question is, with Bioware currently wrapping up Dragon Age: Inquisition and working on the next Mass Effect game, who took the helm on remastering Mass Effect Trilogy, given the studio’s obviously dwindling resources?

Will you be picking up Mass Effect Trilogy remastered on the PS4 and Xbox One? Or are you ready to move on to new games and would rather revisit these remastered games on their original platforms? Sound off about it all in the comments below.

HT: NeoGAF, ZMART (PS4), ZMART (Xbox One)



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  1. Heidran says:

    I would definitely buy a remastered trilogy for the xbox one, the Mass Effect series is my absolute favorite. I agree on the price point too, it should include all DLC for each game, and should be priced around 40 bucks. Unless they wanna drop an awesome collector edition,(Normandy statue maybe?) then I would possibly be tempted to spend more.

  2. Jody O says:

    I would consider buying the games again, but they would need to have all the DLC included for all three games. And the price would need to be decent. I already own all three games and spent decent amount on all the DLC. Don’t think I would spend over $40.

  3. Jennifer B. says:

    If this does turn out to be true, I will get them for the Xbox One. I’m one of those who can’t seem to get enough of Commander Shepard and company (don’t judge). I’ve already got the trilogy for the 360 and on PC. I think this series of games and the rumored Halo 2 Anniversary (please let that happen!) are probably the only remastered games I would get for a next-gen console. Otherwise, bring on the new games!