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MASS EFFECT-Inspired Motorcycle Is An Awesome Use of Power, Boss

Many people will have different answers when asked why they love EA and Bioware’s Mass Effect series of games. Whether it was the epic space opera tale the games told, the blending of space shooter and RPG into a rather seamless experience, or simply the immersive experience of traveling all across the galaxy in your own ship, it is hard to argue that the series has not left its mark on most of gaming and gamers alike. It especially made an impression on a South Korean blogger named Tipytipy, who shared with the world his Mass Effect themed motorcycle.

Mass Effect bike

[Image: Tipytipy]

The bike, which is said to be an Aprilia RS4 125, is decked out in decals to pay homage to the Normandy, the main starship used by Captain Shepard and his crew in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. Whether these decals are custom-made or purchased, Tipytipy does an admirable job recreating the look of the Normandy’s exterior hull with the white and black paint job utilizing the gold accents along the sides. Of course, it seems Tipytipy is looking to pay tribute to the series itself, and not just the starship, with the inclusion of both the Paragon and Renegade icons, the N7 logo, the Mass Effect logo, and even a decal of Tali on the tail of the seat. Also, like any good fan, he pays credit where credit is due by including Bioware’s logo near the back wheel.

Take a gander down below at the entire gallery of photos Tipytipy posted of the bike, and be sure to let us know what you think in the comments below.

HT: Kotaku


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