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Marvin E. Quasniki Does the Iowa Caucuses

So, how did Marvin E. Quasniki do at the Iowa Caucuses? Hard to tell. You won’t see it in the news today; it must be some sort of Conspiracy of Silence between the mainstream media, the non-mainstream media, social media, digital media, Media, PA, and the entire population of Iowa. We do know, however, that he was there, because he sent back the picture above from Java Joe in Des Moines, where he met some guy who kept shouting a lot, “Chris Matthews” or something like that. They did hit it off fairly well, though, so maybe this shouty guy will spread the word.

Marvin himself reports that he pulled 118 votes, with this photo from KCRG-TV in Cedar Rapids as evidence. Marvin’s known as “Other” on the ballot, it would appear:


And here’s Marvin at his own rally at Hamburg Inn No. 2 in Iowa City, where he got a warm reception from the locals:


But it’s hard to get coverage when you’re not named Romney, Santorum, Paul, Gingrich, Perry, um… oh, right, Bachmann, though she’s done, or the guy from Utah. Marvin did his best to get C-SPAN to notice him, but it looks like they all bailed from the bus while he was stalking… er, trying to get them to give him airtime:


On to… where? New Hampshire? South Carolina? Tonopah? We’ll be following Nerdist’s officially-endorsed candidate throughout his run for the White House, and you should go and like him on Facebook and visit and subscribe to the Nerdist Channel on YouTube, where the Marvin E. Quasniki campaign lives.  Quick, before the shouty guy comes back and shouts.

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  1. Bruce says:

    I love Marvin and hope he sticks with the brutal campaign. Where can you get marvin bumperstickers or buttons? He’s definitely the most interesting candidate this political season and that is no “bullshit”.